24 minutes

Retail Innovators: India E-Commerce—Platforms and Tech Enablers

Primary Analyst: Coresight Research
Primary Analyst: Coresight Research
Other Contributors: Arun Sriram, Analyst
Deep Dive

What's Inside

The Coresight Research Retail Innovators series examines how retail players and startups are disrupting different retail sectors.

In this report, we focus on six online platforms and tech enablers that are disrupting India’s e-commerce market using technology, content marketing and social commerce.

We cover how each company has disrupted the market, as well as tailwinds and headwinds, and the impact of innovation on traditional market players.

Click here  to read about India’s startup ecosystem. Look out for our upcoming Market Outlook report on Indian e-commerce.

Click here to read the previous report in our Retail Innovators series, which discusses five innovative companies that are disrupting the US apparel market.

Contents (Click to navigate)

What’s the Story?

Why It Matters

Retail Innovators in India E-Commerce: Coresight Research Analysis

  1. Boonbox
  2. Bulbul
  3. Increff 
  4. Jumbotail 
  5. Meesho
  6. Pocket Aces

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