Market Outlook | August 5, 2021 Premium Market Outlook: Apparel and Footwear in the US, the UK and China—Strong US RecoveryIn Market Outlook report, we provide an update on the recovery of the clothing and footwear market in the US, the UK and China. We present our updated market sizing estimates for 2021 and beyond and discuss e-commerce penetration, competitive landscape and key themes in the market. Read More
Market Outlook | July 7, 2021 Premium Market Outlook: US and China E-Commerce—Platforms Likely To Adjust to a Changing Product MixIn this Market Outlook, we explore how the e-commerce market in the US and China has been impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic and provide an outlook for the sector moving forward. We discuss the key drivers of e-commerce growth, as well as the market’s competitive landscape, M&A activity, retail innovators and themes we are watching in 2021 and beyond. Read More
Market Outlook | October 6, 2020 Premium Market Outlook: US Retail REITs—Recovery Under PressureIn this Market Outlook, we explore the recovery of the US retail REITs (real estate investment trusts) sector in a coronavirus-impacted retail environment. We analyze data on the sector’s size and competitive landscape and consider the impact of store closures on retail REITs. This report also discusses a number of key themes in the market—including rent collection, store closures and tenant-landlord relationships. Read More