Deep Dive 13 minutes Premium

RetailTech: Oracle—Spanning the Software Gamut, from Databases to ERP to Cloud

What's Inside

Building on its strength in databases, which are the foundation for nearly all enterprise and business applications, technology company Oracle has branched out into other software categories, becoming a leader in areas such as ERP software, finance, CRM and supply chain management.  

Exploring Oracle’s position in today’s competitive ERP market landscape, this report covers the following key content: 

  • Recent product launches in retail  
  • Major competitors, competitive advantages and challenges/risks  
  • Retail strategy and product offerings—across omnichannel, merchandisingsupply chain and more 
  • Major milestones and key acquisitions  
  • Corporate strategy and product overview—including cloud infrastructure/applications and on-premise infrastructure 
  • Financial overview and market share 

Click here read more about ERP software. 

As part of our series of RetailTech profiles, previous reports include deep dives into SAP and Salesforce. 


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