Executive Summary
- Ahold Delhaize expects to generate some €2.3 billion in online sales in 2016, and to double that annual total by 2020. Just over half of its sales now and in the future are from Bol.com, with the remainder from its online grocery operations.
- Ahold Delhaize is present only in supermarkets and smaller-store convenient formats, and so has not been hit by the shift away from hypermarkets seen in some countries. It is well-placed to cater to millennials’ demands for convenience, the company said.
- Four themes unite Ahold Delhaize’s various grocery banners: Affordable for All, Best Own Brands, Fresher and Healthier, and Most Local and Personal Service.
- Personalized communications drive 20% of total sales at Bol.com, and Ahold Delhaize is taking a similar, personalized approach to its grocery operations.
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