9 minutes

30 Global Retail Cities: Toronto

Primary Analyst: Coresight Research
Primary Analyst: Coresight Research
Other Contributors:
Asmara Kapur
Marie Driscoll, CFA, Managing Director of Beauty and Luxury
Insight Report

Executive Summary

With this series, 30 Global Retail Cities, we profile the world’s major shopping cities – from fashion capitals such as Milan to shopping hubs such as Honolulu and Bermuda. We curated the top retail stores in each city, along with must-see shopping districts, major retail events innovative store formats.

Click here to view the full 30 Global Retail Cities series.


  • Toronto Fashion Week is held every two years and features national and international designers, as well as entertainers and media.
  • Toronto is the most populous city in Canada, with more than 200 ethnicities, over 140 languages spoken and an estimated half of residents born outside Canada.
  • The Leslieville area features a village-like atmosphere and an abundance of antique boutiques, furniture stores, rustic cafes and restaurants.
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