Insight Report 7 minutes Premium

Countdown to Holiday 2022: US Holiday Hiring—Planned Retail Hiring Slumps

What's Inside

Reflecting the weakened trajectory of retail sales, and cycling an exceptionally strong 2021 holiday season, retailers overall this holiday season are adding far fewer temporary workers. As part of our 10-week Countdown to Holiday 2022 series, we assess the trends and challenges that we predict will characterize seasonal hiring in retail this year. 

Data in this report are:

  • Additional holiday labor hired by selected leading retail and logistics companies 
  • Selected leading retail and logistics companies’ holiday hiring plans
  • Total retail job openings and retail job openings as a share of total nonfarm
  • US retail employment: share by retail subsectors, 2021 and YTD 2022
  • Employment growth by subsector

Companies mentioned in this report include: Amazon, Kohl’s, Macy’s, Michaels Stores, Target and Walmart

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