3 minutes

Morrisons (LSE: MRW) 1H20 Results: Sharp Downturn in Retail Comps

Primary Analyst: Coresight Research
Primary Analyst: Coresight Research
Other Contributors:
Company Earnings Update

Executive Summary

  • Morrisons reported 1H20 revenues of £8.83 billion, slightly above the consensus estimate of £8.8 billion.
  • 1H20 comparable sales were up 0.2% year over year: Retail contributed (1.1)% to group comps while wholesale contributed 1.3%.
  • The retail segment saw a sharp downturn in the second quarter: Its contribution to group comps fell from 0.2% in 1Q20 to (2.4)% in 2Q20. Management cited demanding comparatives from 2018 as the reason.

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