17 minutes

The Future of US Grocery Retail: Quantifying US Grocery Market Dynamics Through 2030

Primary Analyst: Coresight Research
Primary Analyst: Coresight Research
Other Contributors: Sujeet Naik, Analyst
Deep Dive

What's Inside

Our new Future of series presents a look ahead to 2030, as our analysts predict the trajectory of their sector. This research report includes proprietary forecasts, analysis of company metrics, exclusive consumer-survey data, and our analysts’ consideration of factors and themes in the market.

Data in this report include/are:

  • US grocery market size (USD bil.) and CAGR (% change)
  • US online food retail market size (USD bil.) and CAGR (% change)
  • US consumers: average age and household income, per retailer used for food purchases in the prior two weeks
  • Total US food spending (%): food-at-home vs. food-away-from-home
  • US instant commerce market: projected potential market size (USD bil.) and CAGR (%)
  • US edible private-label sales (USD bil.)

Companies mentioned in this report include: Walmart, Target, Kroger, Dollar General, Dollar Tree

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